Authoritative links we believe are useful to you as a property owner with trees.
The information that you obtain from these links does not necessarily reflect the ideas, beliefs and or practices of the RovingArborist™ Tree Service, nor are we affiliated with any of these sites in any way. We appreciate each of them for allowing us to link to their sites, drawing upon their knowledge, wisdom and experiences.
Thank you!
Each of you!
Department of Forest Science @Texas A&M University
Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology
Aggie Horticulture
Forest Pest.org
Bark Beetles
Boring Insects
Chewing Insects
Sucking Insects
Gallmaker Insects
Seed/Cone/Flower/Fruit Insects
Exotic/Invasive Insects
Stinging/Biting/Nuisance Insects
Beneficials and Insect Predators
Misc. Insects
Root/Butt Diseases
Stem Decays/Cankers
Foliage Diseases
Decline Complexes/Dieback/Wilts
Stem Rusts
Broom Rusts
Biotic Damage
Parasitic/Epiphytic Plants
Other Pests:
Invasive Weeds
Wild Animals
Abiotic Damage
Human Activities
The National Arbor Day Foundation
RovingArborist™ Tree & Lawn Services