In most cases where we are asked to look at a sick tree, we are able to make a visual diagnosis based on the appearance of the tree in general. The bark and foliage are affected in various ways by different diseases.
In other cases, samples must be taken and sent to a lab for an in-depth study in order to determine the exact elements of disease and to make a more accurate diagnosis.
Locally, one of the increasingly common diseases in our oak trees, and many other deciduous trees as well, is the Hypoxylon Canker (a fungus).
This disease acts like a virus, and as with humans, there is little to no cure for it. However, we at Roving Arborist have access to a product (ViraHalt®) that is a foliar applied nutrient capable of keeping this fungus in remission. In order for remission to be achieved, treatment must be made prior to cellular damage by this fungus.
We suggest a complete diagnostics to be preformed on ALL deciduous trees prior to any signs of stress.
It is our understanding that The Texas A&M Agriculture department did a study, some years back, on this disease.
They tested many seemingly healthy Oak trees and found that over 50% of them had the fungus present. This fungus lays dormant awaiting a stressful trauma such as; lack of water,
too much water, construction damage etc...
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RovingArborist™ Tree & Lawn Services